Thanks to a grant from the Boeckling Charitable Trust, we are pleased to
introduce our new 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Club. Reading to children beginning at birth assists them in building their vocabulary, aids in letter recognition, helps practice active listening skills, sets them on the path for academic success, and so much more.

How to participate:

  • Register online using the Library’s Beanstack website at: or sign up at the Children’s Desk the next time you visit us.
  • Select and check out books in the Children’s Department to share with your child.
  • Read any book to or with your newborn, infant, toddler, or preschooler. Not only does this aid in building lifelong learning skills but also provides a great opportunity for you to bond with your child.
  • Keep track of the books that you read to your child and log them either online or using the paper reading log that we provide.

Frequently asked questions:

1,000 books seems like a lot! How will my child read that many books before Kindergarten?

If you read just 1 book a night, you will have read 365 books with your child in a year. That is 730 books in two years and 1,095 books in three years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around 5 years of age, you have more time than you think! Does 1 book a day seem unmanageable? Set a goal of reading 5 books with your child any time per week. That’s 260 books in a year and you can still read 1,000 books with your child in less than 4 years! The main goal of this program is to practice early literacy skills with your child so feel free to go at your own pace and read with your child whenever you can!

Can I count the books that are read to my child during Storytime or other Library Programs towards their 1,000 Books?

Yes! Any book that is read to your child by anyone can count as a book read for this program. We highly encourage you to attend our Storytimes where, besides being read to, you and your child will also have an opportunity to participate in other activities to promote early literacy skills.

Can I count the same book more than once?

Yes! If your child loves reading the same story over and over again, they’re still learning and growing. Repetition helps to strengthen neural connections in your child’s brain. You may count the same title as many times as your child wants to read it, but we also encourage you to read a wide variety of books to increase your child’s exposure to different vocabulary and concepts.

Can I read any book, or just the ones on the recommended booklist?

You can read any book for this reading challenge. Our list of recommended titles is a great place to start, but you are welcome to read any book!

Can I read books that my child received as part of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio and have them count towards their 1,000 books?

Yes! We know that children love receiving these books in the mail and highly encourage that you read them to or with your child.

Can I wait to pick up all the prizes at one time?

Yes, you can, but we highly encourage you to pick up prizes as your child earns them. Each 100 book milestone reached has a corresponding developmentally appropriate reward that comes with an instruction sheet on how to use the item to promote early literacy skills with your child.

Do I need a library card to participate?

No, a Sandusky Library Card is not required to participate. However, having a library card can help you access books to read with your child for free!

How old does my child have to be to participate?

There is no minimum age to participate. This program is for children from birth to not yet in kindergarten.

I don’t have a Smartphone, tablet, computer, or internet access. How can I participate?

The library has public computers that you can use to access Beanstack if you choose to set up a Beanstack account or you can use the paper reading log instead. Staff members are available to assist you and explain your options to you.

If I use a paper reading log, do I still need to use Beanstack?

No, simply bring your paper reading log to the Children’s Desk each time that you reach a 100-book milestone and we will update your child’s account on our end and had out your reward.

What rewards will my child receive?

Your child will receive a drawstring backpack with a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Club Brag Tag, a recommended book list, and a paper reading log when they first register for the Club. For each 100 books that they read they will receive an additional brag tag to collect and attach to their bag along with a developmentally appropriate early literacy tool with an instructional activity sheet. Additionally, when they complete our program they will have the option of having their picture taken and added to our Wall of Fame.

When is the deadline to finish reading 1,000 books?

Your child must have read their 1,000 books before they begin kindergarten. You have plenty of time to finish!

Who can participate?

Any child who hasn’t started kindergarten is encouraged to participate. You can start at any time, just be sure to finish before your child enters kindergarten.

Why should my child join the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Club?

Sharing books and stories is important for a child’s brain development.

  • Children who are read to at an early age have larger vocabularies when they enter school.
  • The most important predictor of school success is being read to at home during early childhood.
  • Reading aloud to infants and children encourages social, emotional, and cognitive development.